Articles by Jacob Colleran

Five Ways to Get What You Want on Chameleon

Did you ever want to create a lease for a specific node? Did you ever want to create a lease that does NOT include a specific node? Ignore a node that has been reserved? Reserve a whole rack perhaps? Or just a few nodes but on the same rack? Then look no farther; here are five tips and tricks for node selection and node avoidance!

How to Maintain Your Sanity When Deploying 20+ Nodes

Many things can go wrong when deploying a large cluster of nodes. We thought it would be helpful for some of you to include some useful tips and tricks for deploying 20+ node clusters when some of the nodes may cause you problems.

Where Do I Put My Data in Chameleon?

Have you ever lost your data after your instance failed, or are your instances failing to launch with a custom image? You may be handling your data incorrectly in the cloud. Read on to learn how to keep your data persistent and your custom images small.
