Complex appliances


Deploying an MPI cluster, an OpenStack installation, or any other type of cluster in which nodes can take on multiple roles can be complex: you have to provision potentially hundreds of nodes, configure them to take on various roles, and make them share information that is generated or assigned only at deployment time, such as hostnames, IP addresses, or security keys. When you want to run a different experiment later you have to redo all this work. When you want to reproduce the experiment, or allow somebody else to reproduce it, you have to take very precise notes and pay great attention to their execution.

To help solve this problem and facilitate reproducibility and sharing, the Chameleon team configured a tool that allows you to deploy complex clusters with “one click”. This tool requires not just a simple image (i.e., appliance) but also a document, called a template, that contains the information needed to orchestrate the deployment and configuration of such clusters. We call this image + template combination Complex Appliances because it consists of more than just the image (i.e., appliance).

In a nutshell, Complex Appliances allow you to specify not only what image you want to deploy but also on how many nodes you want to deploy that image, what roles the deployed instances should boot into (such as e.g., head node and worker node in a cluster), what information from a specific instance should be passed to another instance in that Complex Appliance, and what scripts should be executed on boot so that this information is properly used for configuring the “one click” cluster.

This guide will tell you all you need to know in order to use and configure Complex Appliances on Chameleon.


Since Complex Appliances in Chameleon are currently implemented using the OpenStack Heat orchestration service, we will be using OpenStack terminology and features to work with them. The templates described above are YAML files using the Heat Orchestration Template (HOT) format (Heat also supports the AWS CloudFormation template format, but this is not covered here). A deployed complex appliance is referred to as a “stack” – just as a deployed single appliance is typically referred to as an “instance”.

Complex Appliances in the Catalog

The Chameleon Appliance Catalog has several Complex Appliances for popular technologies that people want to deploy such as OpenStack or MPI or even more advanced deployments such as efficient SR-IOV enabled MPI in KVM virtual machines. We also provide common building blocks for cluster architectures, such as an NFS share. Complex Appliances are identified by a badge in their top-right corner representing a group of machines, as in the screenshot below:

A Complex Appliance with a badge in the upper right

A Complex Appliance with a badge in the upper right

To view the details of a Complex Appliance, simply click on it.

A Complex Appliance page

A Complex Appliance page


You may download the Template file or copy the Template file URL to clipboard by clicking the Get Template button. The Template file or it’s URL is required when launching a Complex Appliance.

Managing Complex Appliances using the GUI

Before launching a Complex Appliance, please make sure that you have a reservation for the appropriate node types and a key pair configured. Since most Complex Appliances will consist of multiple nodes, make sure you have set the Minimum Number of Hosts in your Lease. You will also need a Template file or the URL for a Template file from the Appliance Catalog. At CHI@TACC site or CHI@UC site, go to Project > Orchestration > Stacks use the navigation side bar.

The Stacks page

The Stacks page


You can go to Stacks page directly from the Appliance Catalog.

  1. Go to the Appliance Catalog and identify the appliance you want to launch. Click on it to open its details page.

  2. Click on the “Launch Complex Appliance at CHI\@TACC” or “Launch Complex Appliance at CHI\@UC” button depending on where your reservation is created.

Launching a Complex Appliance

To launch a stack, click the Launch Stack button in the upper right of the Stacks page. Then follow the steps:

  1. Start setting up a Template by choosing a Template Source in the dropdown. You may either select the File option as Template Source and upload the Template file, or select the URL option and provide the URL of the Template file.

    The Select Template step

    The Select Template step


    Do not change the environment source settings!

  2. Once you have provided a Template, click the Next button. Chameleon will validate the Template file and proceed to the Launch Stack step.

    The Launch Stack step

    The Launch Stack step

  3. Choose a name for your stack. Ignore the “Creation Timeout” and “Rollback On Failure” settings. You also need to enter your Chameleon password. Then, you need to select a value for the parameters of the template. Finally, click the Launch button.

  4. Your stack should be in status “Create In Progress” for several minutes while it first launches the server instance, followed by the client instances. It will then move to the status “Create Complete”.

A Complex Appliance with the Create in Progress status

A Complex Appliance with the Create in Progress status

Monitoring a Complex Appliance

To monitor and get more details about your Complex Appliance, click on it in the Stacks page.

  • The Topology tab displays a topology graph of the stack. The rack of machine represents the client instance group. The server’s floating IP (the public IP assigned to a resource) is represented by an IP in a circle; while an IP in a circle is also used to represent the association of the IP with the server instance (not the greatest idea to use the same symbol for both the IP and the association – we agree but can’t do much about it at the moment). Blow off some steam by dragging the visualization across the screen, it can be rather fun!


    Blinking nodes indicates that they are still provisioning.

    The Topology tab

    The Topology tab

  • The Overview tab displays various parameters, including the ID of the stack and Outputs such as IP addresses assigned to each node. If you have a floating IP associated to the server, you can now ssh to the server using the floating IP just as you do with regular instances. The client may not have a floating IP attached to it, but you can connect to it via the server node with the client’s private IP.


    To talk to the client without an associated floating IP, connect to the server with ssh -A to enable the SSH agent forwarding after loading your key to your SSH agent with ssh-add <path-to-your-key>.

    The Overview tab

    The Overview tab

  • Under the Resources tab you will see the resources of the stack (the server, clients, server’s public/floating IP, and its the association) and information about them.

    The Resources tab

    The Resources tab

  • In the Events tab you will see information about the history of the deployment so far.

    The Events tab

    The Events tab

  • In Template tab, you will see the template that was used to deploy this stack.

    The Template tab

    The Template tab

Deleting a Complex Appliance

To delete a Complex Appliance, select it in the Stacks page and click the Delete Stacks button. This will delete all resources of the stack, such as nodes and floating IP addresses.

Managing Complex Appliances using the CLI


Reading Command Line Interface (CLI) is highly recommanded before continuing on the following sections.

In addition to Installing the CLI, you will need to install the python-heatclient package using the command:

pip install python-heatclient

Then, set up your environment for OpenStack command line usage, as described in The OpenStack RC Script. You can get a list of your Complex Appliances in your project using the command:

openstack stack list

The output should look like the following:

| ID                                   | Stack Name    | Stack Status      | Creation Time        | Updated Time         |
| e5df33b5-5282-4935-8097-973328ca71e5 | my_stack      | CREATE_COMPLETE   | 2018-01-23T22:45:12Z | None                 |

Launching a Complex Appliance

To launch a Complex Appliance using Template, run the command on your local machine:

openstack stack create --template <template_file> --parameter <parameter>=<value> <stack_name>

Provide the path to and the name of the Template file in your local file system via the template switch. The <stack_name> is the name of the Complex Appliance. In addition, you may provide the parameters required in the Template file with their values by parameter switch. For example, the NFS Server Template lists the following parameters section:

    type: number
    description: Number of NFS client instances
    default: 1
      - range: { min: 1 }
        description: There must be at least one client.
    type: string
    description: Name of a KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instance
    default: default
    - custom_constraint: nova.keypair
    type: string
    description: ID of the Blazar reservation to use for launching instances.
    - custom_constraint: blazar.reservation

Therefore, in order to use this Template, you must provide values for nfs_client_count, key_name and reservation_id.

Monitoring a Complex Appliance

You can get details about your Complex Appliance, such as Outputs, Events and Resources, via the CLI. You will need the UUID of the Complex Appliance.


To get the UUID of your Complex Appliance, use the Stacks page on the GUI or retrieve it by openstack stack list command.

  • To view the Outputs, run:

    openstack stack output list <uuid>

    For example, the list of the outputs for the NFS Share stack is:

    | output_key | description                             |
    | client_ips | Private IP addresses of the NFS clients |
    | server_ip  | Public IP address of the NFS server     |

    You can get more details about the outputs by using the following command:

    openstack stack output show --all <uuid>
  • To view the Events, run:

    openstack stack event list <uuid>
  • To view the Resources, run:

    openstack stack resource list <uuid>

    Your output may look like this:

    | resource_name             | physical_resource_id                 | resource_type                   | resource_status | updated_time         |
    | nfs_server_ip_association |                                      | OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation | INIT_COMPLETE   | 2018-03-19T18:38:05Z |
    | nfs_server                | 0ab0169c-f762-4d27-8724-b359caa50f1f | OS::Nova::Server                | CREATE_FAILED   | 2018-03-19T18:38:05Z |
    | nfs_server_floating_ip    | ecb391f8-4653-43a6-b2c6-bb93a6d89115 | OS::Nova::FloatingIP            | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2018-03-19T18:38:05Z |
    | nfs_clients               |                                      | OS::Heat::ResourceGroup         | INIT_COMPLETE   | 2018-03-19T18:38:05Z |

    Then, you may retrieve information about a specific resource using the command:

    openstack stack resource show <stack_uuid> <resource_name>

Deleting a Complex Appliance

Use the following command to delete a stack:

openstack stack delete <uuid>

It will remove all the resources attached to the stack.

Heat Orchestration Templates

A Heat Orchestration Template is a YAML file that specifies how resources are used and configured in a Complex Appliance.

A Case Example: NFS Share

Let’s look at the NFS Share Template. The NFS share appliance deploys:

  • An NFS server instance, that exports the directory /exports/example to any instance running on Chameleon bare metal,

  • One or several NFS client instances, which configure /etc/fstab to mount this NFS share to /mnt (and can subsequently read from and write to it).

This template is reproduced further below, and includes inline comments starting with the # character. There are three main sections:

  • resources

  • parameters

  • outputs

The resources section is the most important part of the template: it defines which OpenStack Resources to create and configure. Inside this section you can see four resources defined:

  • nfs_server_floating_ip: creates a Floating IP on the ext-net public network. It is not attached to any instance yet.

  • nfs_server: creates the NFS server instance (an instance is defined with the type OS::Nova::Server in Heat). It is a bare metal instance (flavor: baremetal) using the CC-CentOS7 image and connected to the private network named sharednet1. We set the key pair to use the value of the parameter defined earlier, using the get_param function. Similarly, the reservation to use is passed to the scheduler. Finally, a user_data script is given to the instance, which configures it as an NFS server exporting /exports/example to Chameleon instances.

  • nfs_server_ip_association: associates the floating IP created earlier with the NFS server instance.

  • nfs_clients: defines a resource group containing instance configured to be NFS clients and mount the directory exported by the NFS server defined earlier. The IP of the NFS server is gathered using the get_attr function, and placed into user_data using the str_replace function.

Once a Resource has been specified, you may provide it as a value for another Resource’s property using the get_resource function.

The parameters section defines inputs to be used on Complex Appliance launch. Parameters all have the same data structure: each one has a name (key_name or reservation_id in this case), a data type (number or string), a comment field called description, optionally a default value, and a list of constraints (in this case only one per parameter). Constraints tell Heat to match a parameter to a specific type of OpenStack resource. Complex appliances on Chameleon require users to customize at least the key pair name and reservation ID, and will generally provide additional parameters to customize other properties of the cluster, such as its size, as in this example. The values of Parameters can be used in the resources section using the get_param function.

The outputs section defines what values are returned to the user. Outputs are declared similarly to Parameters: they each have a name, an optional description, and a value. They allow to return information from the stack to the user. You may use the get_attr function to retrieve a resource’s attribute for output.

Heat Template Customization

Customizing an existing template is a good way to start developing your own. We will use a simpler template than the previous example to start with: it is the Hello World complex appliance.

First, delete the stack you launched, because we will need all three nodes to be free. To do this, go back to the Project > Orchestration > Stacks page, select your stack, and then click on the Delete Stacks button. You will be asked to confirm, so click on the Delete Stacks button.

Confirm deleting stack dialog

Confirm deleting stack dialog

The template for the Hello World complex appliance is reproduced below. It is similar to the NFS share appliance, except that it deploys only a single client. You can see that it has four resources defined:

  • nfs_server_floating_ip

  • nfs_server

  • nfs_server_ip_association

  • nfs_client

The nfs_client instance mounts the NFS directory shared by the nfs_server instance, just like in our earlier example.

# This describes what is deployed by this template.
description: NFS server and client deployed with Heat on Chameleon

# This defines the minimum Heat version required by this template.
heat_template_version: 2015-10-15

# The resources section defines what OpenStack resources are to be deployed and
# how they should be configured.
    type: OS::Nova::FloatingIP
      pool: ext-net

    type: OS::Nova::Server
      flavor: baremetal
      image: CC-CentOS7
      key_name: { get_param: key_name }
         - network: sharednet1
      scheduler_hints: { reservation: { get_param: reservation_id } }
      user_data: |
        yum install -y nfs-utils
        mkdir -p /exports/example
        chown -R cc:cc /exports
        echo '/exports/example,async),async)' >> /etc/exports
        systemctl enable rpcbind && systemctl start rpcbind
        systemctl enable nfs-server && systemctl start nfs-server

    type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation
      floatingip_id: {get_resource: nfs_server_floating_ip}
      port_id: {get_attr: [nfs_server, addresses, sharednet1, 0, port]}

    type: OS::Nova::Server
      flavor: baremetal
      image: CC-CentOS7
      key_name: { get_param: key_name }
         - network: sharednet1
      scheduler_hints: { reservation: { get_param: reservation_id } }
          template: |
            yum install -y nfs-utils
            echo "$nfs_server_ip:/exports/example    /mnt/    nfs" > /etc/fstab
            mount -a
            $nfs_server_ip: { get_attr: [nfs_server, first_address] }

# The parameters section gathers configuration from the user.
    type: string
    description: Name of a KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instance
    default: default
    - custom_constraint: nova.keypair
    type: string
    description: ID of the Blazar reservation to use for launching instances.
    - custom_constraint: blazar.reservation

Download this template to your local machine, and open it in your favorite text editor.

We will customize the template to add a second NFS client by creating a new resource called another_nfs_client. Add the following text to your template inside the resources section. Make sure to respect the level of indentation, which is important in YAML.

  type: OS::Nova::Server
    flavor: baremetal
    image: CC-CentOS7
    key_name: { get_param: key_name }
       - network: sharednet1
    scheduler_hints: { reservation: { get_param: reservation_id } }
        template: |
          yum install -y nfs-utils
          echo "$nfs_server_ip:/exports/example    /mnt/    nfs" > /etc/fstab
          mount -a
          $nfs_server_ip: { get_attr: [nfs_server, first_address] }

Now, launch a new stack with this template. Since the customized template is only on your computer and cannot be addressed by a URL, use the Direct Input method instead and copy/paste the content of the customized template. The resulting topology view is shown below: as you can see, the two client instances are shown separately since each one is defined as a separate resource in the template.

Topology of the customized Hello World Appliance

Topology of the customized Hello World Appliance

You may have realized already that while adding just one additional client instance was easy, launching more of them would require to copy / paste blocks of YAML many times while ensuring that the total count is correct. This would be easy to get wrong, especially when dealing with tens or hundreds of instances.

So instead, we leverage another construct from Heat: resource groups. Resource groups allow to define one kind of resource and request it to be created any number of times.

Remove the nfs_client and another_client resources from your customized template, and replace them with the following:

  type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
    count: 2
      type: OS::Nova::Server
        flavor: baremetal
        image: CC-CentOS7
        key_name: { get_param: key_name }
           - network: sharednet1
        scheduler_hints: { reservation: { get_param: reservation_id } }
            template: |
              yum install -y nfs-utils
              echo "$nfs_server_ip:/exports/example    /mnt/    nfs" > /etc/fstab
              mount -a
              $nfs_server_ip: { get_attr: [nfs_server, first_address] }

A resource group is configured with a properties field, containing the definition of the resource to launch (resource_def) and the number of resources to launch (count). Once launched, you will notice that the topology view groups all client instances under a single Resource Group icon. We use the same resource_def than when defining separate instances earlier.

Another way we can customize this template is by adding outputs to the template. Outputs allow a Heat template to return data to the user. This can be useful to return values like IP addresses or credentials that the user must know to use the system.

We will create an output returning the floating IP address used by the NFS server. We define an outputs section, and one output with the name server_ip and a description. The value of the output is gathered using the get_attr function which obtains the IP address of the server instance.

    description: Public IP address of the NFS server
    value: { get_attr: [nfs_server_floating_ip, ip] }

You can get outputs in the Overview tab of the Stack Details page. If you want to use the command line, install python-heatclient and use the heat output-list and heat output-show commands, or get a full list in the information returned by heat stack-show.

Multiple outputs can be defined in the outputs section. Each of them needs to have a unique name. For example, we can add another output to list the private IPs assigned to client instances:

  description: Private IP addresses of the NFS clients
  value: { get_attr: [nfs_clients, first_address] }

The image below shows the resulting outputs as viewed from the web interface. Of course IP addresses will be specific to each deployment.

The Outputs of customized Hello World appliance

The Outputs of customized Hello World appliance

Finally, we can add a new parameter to replace the hard-coded number of client instances by a value passed to the template. Add the following text to the parameters section:

  type: number
  description: Number of NFS client instances
  default: 1
    - range: { min: 1 }
      description: There must be at least one client.

Inside the resource group definition, change count: 2 to count: { get_param: nfs_client_count } to retrieve and use the parameter we just defined. When you launch this template, you will see that an additional parameter allows you to define the number of client instances, like in the NFS share appliance.

At this stage, we have fully recreated the NFS share appliance starting from the Hello World one! The next section will explain how to write a new template from scratch.

Writing a New Template

You may want to write a whole new template, rather than customizing an existing one. Each template should follow the same layout and be composed of the following sections:

  • Heat template version

  • Description

  • Resources

  • Parameters

  • Outputs

Heat template version

Each Heat template has to include the heat_template_version key with a valid version of HOT (Heat Orchestration Template). Chameleon bare metal supports any HOT version up to 2015-10-15, which corresponds to OpenStack Liberty. The Heat documentation lists all available versions and their features. We recommended that you always use the latest Chameleon supported version to have access to all supported features:

heat_template_version: 2015-10-15


While not mandatory, it is good practice to describe what is deployed and configured by your template. It can be on a single line:

description: This describes what this Heat template deploys on Chameleon.

If a longer description is needed, you can provide multi-line text in YAML, for example:

description: >
  This describes what this Heat
  template deploys on Chameleon.


The resources section is required and must contain at least one resource definition. A complete list of resources types known to Heat is available.

However, only a subset of them are supported by Chameleon, and some are limited to administrative use. We recommend that you only use:

  • OS::Glance::Image

  • OS::Heat::ResourceGroup

  • OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig

  • OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment

  • OS::Heat::SoftwareDeploymentGroup

  • OS::Neutron::FloatingIP

  • OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation

  • OS::Neutron::Port (advanced users only)

  • OS::Nova::Keypair

  • OS::Nova::Server

If you know of another resource that you would like to use and think it should be supported by the OpenStack services on Chameleon bare metal, please let us know via our Help Desk.


Parameters allow users to customize the template with necessary or optional values. For example, they can customize which Chameleon appliance they want to deploy, or which key pair to install. Default values can be provided with the default key, as well as constraints to ensure that only valid OpenStack resources can be selected. For example, custom_constraint: glance.image restricts the image selection to an available OpenStack image, while providing a pre-filled selection box in the web interface. More details about constraints are available in the Heat documentation.


Outputs allow template to give information from the deployment to users. This can include usernames, passwords, IP addresses, hostnames, paths, etc. The outputs declaration is using the following format:

    description: Description of the first output
    value: first_output_value
    description: Description of the second output
    value: second_output_value

Generally values will be calls to get_attr, get_param, or some other function to get information from parameters or resources deployed by the template and return them in the proper format to the user.

Reserved Networks and Floating IPs

Chameleon’s reservation service allows users to reserve VLAN segments and floating ips. In order to make use of these reserved resources in a (HOT) template, follow the guidelines below. For more information on VLAN and floating ip reservations, see documentaiton on Creating a Lease to Reserve a VLAN Segment and Creating a Lease to Reserve Floating IPs

When you reserve a VLAN segment via blazar, it will automatically create a network for you. However, this network is not usable in your template unless a subnet and router have been associated with the network. Once this is done, you can simply add the network name as the network parameter for your server as you would sharednet1. The below cli commands provides an example of how to complete the setup for your reserved network.

openstack subnet create --subnet-range \
    --allocation-pool start=,end= \
    --dns-nameserver --dhcp \
    --network <my_reserved_network_name> \
openstack router create my_router_name
openstack router add subnet my_router_name my_subnet_name
openstack router set --external-gateway public my_router_name

For reserved floating ips, you need to associate the floating ip with a server using the OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation object type. Many of our older complex appliance templates use the OS::Nova::FloatingIPAssociation object, but this has since been deprecated. See example below for proper usage:

  type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation
    floatingip_id: <my_reserved_floating_ip_uuid>
    port_id: {get_attr: [my_server, addresses, <my_network_name>, 0, port]}

If you are having trouble finding the uuid of the floating ip address then the below command will help you.

openstack floating ip list -c ID -c "Floating IP Address" -c Tags --long

The output should look like the sample output below with the uuid listed under the ID column. You can check your lease in the reservation section of the GUI to find the reservation id associated with the floating ip in the Tags section of the output.

| ID                                   | Floating IP Address | Tags                                                             |
| 0fe31fad-60ac-462f-bb6c-4d40c1506621 |        | [u'reservation:d90ad917-300a-4cf7-a836-083534244f56', u'blazar'] |
| 92a347a9-31a5-43c1-80e2-9cdb38ebf66f |        | [u'reservation:5f470c97-0166-4934-a813-509b743e2d62', u'blazar'] |
| c8480d67-533d-4f55-a197-8271da6d9344 |         | []                                                               |

Sharing Complex Appliances

If you have written your own Complex Appliance or substantially customized an existing one, we would love if you shared them with our user community! The process is very similar to regular appliances: log into the Chameleon portal, go to the appliance catalog, and click on the button in the top-right corner: Add an appliance (you need to be logged in to see it).

The Add an Appliance button

The Add an Appliance button

You will be prompted to enter a name, description, and documentation. Instead of providing appliance IDs, copy your template to the dedicated field. Finally, share your contact information and assign a version string to your appliance. Once submitted, your appliance will be reviewed. We will get in touch if a change is needed, but if it’s all good we will publish it right away!

Advanced Topics

All-to-All Information Exchange

The previous examples have all used user_data scripts to provide instances with contextualization information. While it is easy to use, this contextualization method has a major drawback: because it is given to the instance as part of its launch request, it cannot use any context information that is not yet known at this time. In practice, this means that in a client-server deployment, only one of these pattern will be possible:

  • The server has to be deployed first, and once it is deployed, the clients can be launched and contextualized with information from the server. The server won’t know about the clients unless there is a mechanism (not managed by Heat) for the client to contact the server.

  • The clients have to be deployed first, and once they are deployed, the server can be launched and contextualized with information from the clients. The clients won’t know about the server unless there is a mechanism (not managed by Heat) for the server to contact the clients.

This limitation was already apparent in our NFS share appliance: this is why the server instance exports the file system to all bare metal instances on Chameleon, because it doesn’t know which specific IP addresses are allocated to the clients.

This limitation is even more important if the deployment is not hierarchical, i.e. all instances need to know about all others. For example, a cluster with IP and hostnames populated in /etc/hosts required each instance to be known by every other instance.

This section presents a more advanced form of contextualization that can perform this kind of information exchange. This is implemented by Heat agents running inside instances and communicating with the Heat service to send and receive information. This means you will need to use an image bundling these agents. Currently, all Chameleon-supported images (CC) are supporting this mode of contextualization. If you build your own images using the CC-CentOS7 builder, CC-CentOS builder or CC-Ubuntu builder, you will automatically have these agents installed. This contextualization is performed with several Heat resources:

  • OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig: This resource describes code to run on an instance. It can be configured with inputs and provide outputs.

  • OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment: This resource applies a SoftwareConfig to a specific instance.

  • OS::Heat::SoftwareDeploymentGroup: This resource applies a SoftwareConfig to a specific group of instances.

The template below illustrates how it works. It launches a group of instances that will automatically populates their /etc/hosts file with IP and hostnames from other instances in the deployment.

heat_template_version: 2015-10-15

description: >
  This template demonstrates how to exchange hostnames and IP addresses to populate /etc/hosts.

    type: string
    default: baremetal
    - custom_constraint: nova.flavor
    type: string
    default: CC-CentOS8
    - custom_constraint: glance.image
    type: string
    default: default
    - custom_constraint: nova.keypair
    type: number
    default: 2
    type: string
    description: ID of the Blazar reservation to use for launching instances.
    - custom_constraint: blazar.reservation

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
        - name: hosts
      group: script
      config: |
        (echo -n $(facter ipaddress); echo -n ' '; echo $(facter hostname)) > ${heat_outputs_path}.hosts

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeploymentGroup
      config: { get_resource: export_hosts }
      servers: { get_attr: [server_group, refs_map] }
      signal_transport: HEAT_SIGNAL

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
        - name: hosts
      group: script
      config: |
        #!/usr/bin/env python
        import ast
        import os
        import string
        import subprocess
        hosts = os.getenv('hosts')
        if hosts is not None:
            hosts = ast.literal_eval(string.replace(hosts, '\n', '\\n'))
        with open('/etc/hosts', 'a') as hosts_file:
          for ip_host in hosts.values():
              hosts_file.write(ip_host.rstrip() + '\n')

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeploymentGroup
    depends_on: export_hosts_sdg
      config: { get_resource: populate_hosts }
      servers: { get_attr: [server_group, refs_map] }
      signal_transport: HEAT_SIGNAL
        hosts: { get_attr: [ export_hosts_sdg, hosts ] }

    type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup
      count: { get_param: instance_count }
        type: OS::Nova::Server
          flavor: { get_param: flavor }
          image: { get_param: image }
          key_name: { get_param: key_name }
             - network: sharednet1
          scheduler_hints: { reservation: { get_param: reservation_id } }
          user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG
          software_config_transport: POLL_SERVER_HEAT

    value: { get_attr: [export_hosts_sdg, hosts] }

There are two SoftwareConfig resources:

  • The first SoftwareConfig, export_hosts, uses the facter tool to extract IP address and hostname into a single line (in the format expected for /etc/hosts) and writes it to a special path (${heat_outputs_path}.hosts). This prompts Heat to assign the content of this file to the output with the name hosts.

  • The second SoftwareConfig, populate_hosts, takes as input a variable named hosts, and applies a script that reads the variable from the environment, parses it with ast.literal_eval (as it is formatted as a Python dict), and writes each value of the dictionary to /etc/hosts.

The SoftwareDeploymentGroup resources export_hosts_sdg and populate_hosts_sdg apply each SoftwareConfig to the instance ResourceGroup with the correct configuration.

Finally, the instance ResourceGroup is configured so that each instance uses the following contextualization method instead of a user_data script:

user_data_format: SOFTWARE_CONFIG
software_config_transport: POLL_SERVER_HEAT

You can follow the same template pattern to configure your own deployment requiring all-to-all information exchange.

Automated Deployment

On Chameleon you can configure a Heat Stack to launch as soon as your lease begins. Whether your experiments require a large cluster or a single node, automated deployment saves you time configuring your environment and even allows you to run your entire experiment automatically when the necessary resources become available.

At present, you will need to use our customized versions of the Heat and Blazar CLI tools to implement this feature.

Install Custom CLI

You can install Chameleon’s python-heatclient and python-blazarclient packages via pip by running the following commands:

pip install git+
pip install git+

Initialize Stack

Next you will need to configure a Heat stack with the --initialize flag on the CLI and a dummy reservation_id parameter. The dummy id can be anything (even an empty string) so long as the reservation_id parameter is specified so that Blazar can overwrite it once your advanced reservation is scheduled and the stack is ready to launch. Once your stack is initialized, the status should read INIT_COMPLETE. This indicates that your template was validated and all the data required to launch a stack has been stored. See example command below:

openstack stack create -t <template_file> --initialize --parameter reservation_id=dummy <stack_name>

Create Reservation with Stack_ID

Finally, for a stack to launch when your reservation begins, we need to let Blazar know which stack to notify Heat to update. This is done via the command line by specifying orchestration as an on_start action with a stack_id (e.g. on_start=orchestration:<stack_id>) under the --reservation flag. Under the hood, Blazar will update your initialized Heat stack with the reservation_id assigned to the lease. See example below:

openstack reservation lease create --start-date "<start_date>" --end-date "<end_date>" \
  --reservation min=<min>,max=<max>,resource_type=physical:host,on_start=orchestration:<stack_id> \